Closeup on young woman holding hands in heart shape on her belly

Beginning of Life Abortion

Faith and Planned Parenthood

By Robert Fleischmann, National Director of Christian Life Resources In 2015 The Center for Medical Progress secretly video recorded conversations with executives from Planned Parenthood. The topic was the gruesome practice of selling fetal body parts to researchers. The expose made national…

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Precious Life

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director of Christian Life Resources In a Salon website article dated Jan. 23, 2014, Mary Elizabeth Williams made a shocking acknowledgment: “Here’s the complicated reality in which we live: All life is not equal.” With those…

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Tell the Truth

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director of Christian Life Resources Why Are We Here? Christian Life Resources (CLR) was never a ministry about convincing pro-life people to be pro-life. Though we serve all people, we are doctrinally aligned with the…

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Money vs. Life in Light of Life Issues

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources There is often a correlation between prosperity and immorality. That does not mean all who are prosperous are immoral or that all who are impoverished are moral. Rather, it appears that prosperity…

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Abortion and the Law

Former Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Victor Manian On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court, in a decision by seven of the nine justices, held that state statutes prohibiting abortion were unconstitutional. The decision has divided the nation,…

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Is An Objection on Religious Grounds Enough?

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources “The path of least resistance is the path of the loser.” [attributed to H.G. Wells, 1866-1946] We have done it before, and it appears we are poised to do it again. The…

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My Son, Maxwell

My son, Maxwell, was born on April 6, 2011. He was diagnosed with Down syndrome (DS) when he was two days old. I have since learned that Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a chromosomal condition involving all…

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The Journey of Forgiveness – A Look at the Abortion Decision

Roe v. Wade seemed like a timely solution to a very big problem in young women’s lives, namely an unwanted pregnancy. What would one “do” with an unplanned baby? In my case, I was unwed and pregnant. At the time,…

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Pro-Life Bible References

God is the creator of life Genesis 1:27 – “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them.” Job 33:4 – “The Spirit of God has made me;…

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January 22: A Sad Milestone

On this date in 1666 Emperor Shah Jahan, a descendant of Genghis Khan died. Not a big deal for most of us except Jahan built the Taj Mahal as a mausoleum for his third wife, Arjumand Banu Begum. Despite having…

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Scripture on Life

GOD IS THE CREATOR OF LIFE “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” ~ Genesis 1:27 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me…

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CLR Resolution on Abortion Adopted by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)

CLR Resolution on Abortion (Memorial 2011-01U) Adopted by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod – July 28, 2011 WHEREAS 1) the Holy Scriptures clearly testify to a reverence for the life of the mother and the life of her unborn child…

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It Depends How You Say It

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources When the United States legalized abortion on January 22, 1973, the language changed. No longer was a little one growing and kicking in the womb referred to as a “baby.” Rather, the…

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A Tiny Step – A Look at Quality of Life Arguments

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, Christian Life Resources National Director C. Everett Koop served as the U.S. Surgeon general from 1982-1989. He also served as a main speaker at an early Christian Life Resources convention. It was a tumultuous time in the…

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A Child Dies – A Look at the Dehumanization of Life in Abortion

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, Christian Life Resources National Director In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the movement to legalize abortion focused on two primary arguments: 1. No agreement could be reached on when life begins; 2. Women should have “control”…

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Tragedies, Statistics, and Making a Difference

Rev. Mark Braun In a conversation with U.S. ambassador Averill Harriman, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin allegedly said, “The death of one person is a tragedy; the death of millions is a statistic.” Stalin would seem to be an expert on…

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You Can Change the World! – A Look at Ways to Show Christian Concern for Others

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources When I turned 40, a friend of mine told me that a person reaches middle age when realizing he or she can no longer change the world. If that were true I…

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Abortion Affects All

Stefanie Cox Abortion affects everyone. This includes not only the aborted child and the mother, her family, and her friends, but also the entire country and world. Imagine if the mothers of people such as Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, and…

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My Body, My Choice – Really?

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, CLR National Director The idol of “my rights” continues to wreak havoc on our lives, our families, and our society. The sexual revolution of the sixties decimated social sanctions that rightly reflected the place of sexual relations…

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Q&A on Friend Considering Abortion

QUESTION: A friend of mine is unmarried and pregnant. She confided in me that she is considering an abortion. She gave me a long list of reasons why, but I didn’t know how to answer her. Do you have any…

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It Does Not Matter – A Look at Post-Abortion Syndrome

Lynn Klammer Over the past years, I’ve seen the professional community grapple with the question of whether or not post-abortion trauma really exists. Scientific evidence seems to indicate that abortion does not increase the risk of psychological problems any more…

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Position Statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod on Abortion

WHEREAS, All people are commanded by God to love their neighbor as they love themselves, and WHEREAS, The Scriptures teach that human life begins at conception (Matthew 1:20, Psalm 51:5, Psalm 139:13-15), and WHEREAS, Each Christian must recognize that abortion…

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Abortion Can Hurt Women – One Woman’s Account

Jane Frantz, Freelance Write and Community Columnist for The Post-Crescent, Appleton, Wisconsin As we reflect on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I’d like to share a true story. I only tell it to help people understand that abortion can…

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A Primer on Partial-Birth Abortion

Description: An abortion technique used to kill second- and third-trimester unborn babies by removing the baby’s entire body, except for the head, and then sucking out his or her brains. Click here to view medical illustrations describing the abortion technique….

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Q&A on Abortion and Its Long-Term Effects

QUESTION: A friend of mine had an abortion a few years ago and never seemed bothered by it. Now she is concerned because she may be getting married but is hesitant to tell her boyfriend about her past. Why is…

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Talking About Abortion and God

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Some people are more concerned about their horizontal relationships (with others and with themselves) than they are about their vertical relationships (with God). To change hearts we must migrate people from a…

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Abortion Limitations Definitions

Definitions of the major types of abortion restrictions, listed from most common to least common: Gestational Limits: Pertains to the abortion ban after a certain point in woman’s pregnancy, usually at fetal viability. Parental Involvement: Includes terminology involving parental notification…

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Counseling the Grief-Stricken

Catherine Lammert Grief is a strong and complex emotion. Here are some practical suggestions on how we may help others cope with a loss in their life. Supporting a Grieving Family HOW TO HELP: Be supportive — visit or call…

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Q&A on Post-Abortion Syndrome

QUESTION: Does CLR counsel women who are in despair because they’ve had abortions in the past, or do you just work with women who are considering an abortion? ANSWER: Your question deals with a special issue called Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS)…

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Q&A on Abortion, Euthanasia Position Terminology

QUESTION: I’ve heard many different terms describing the positions of those who either oppose or favor abortion and euthanasia (pro-life, pro-choice, anti-abortion, death with dignity, etc.). What is CLR’s position on all of these terms? ANSWER: The position of CLR…

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Gianna Jessen: I Was an Abortion Victim at Seven and a Half Months

Gianna Jessen My biological mother was seven-and-a-half months pregnant when she decided to abort me. I don’t know why she made that decision. It was 1977. She and my biological father were 17 at the time and weren’t married. She…

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The Logic is Painfully Clear – A Look at Fetal Pain

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources The Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that an unborn child’s pain is not realized until 29 or 30 weeks into the pregnancy. Therefore, pain relief does not need to be…

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Christian Life Resources Abortion Position Statement

Preamble Abstract Background Terminology The Issues Section 1: What the Scriptures Say About Human Life Human Beings are Unique and Prized in All God’s Creation Human Beings Consist of Body and Soul Human Beings Exist in the Womb Protecting the…

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Q&A on Church-Attending Abortion Advocate

QUESTION: I know a WELS member who is actively supportive of abortion rights and am greatly concerned. What should I do? ANSWER: You have reasons to be concerned and should address this issue with an attitude of Christian love and…

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G. U. L. A. G. – A Look at Ethnic Cleansing and Abortion

Rev. Fred Toppe Do you know these initials? They stand for Glavnoe upravlenie ispravitel’no-trudovykh lagerei, the Russian words for Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps. The GULAG was in operation in the former Soviet Union from the early 1920s until…

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The 39 Major Pro-Choice Arguments and Their Refutations

Randy Alcorn, Eternal Perspective Ministries CLR Note: This is an excellent article in understanding the debate rhetoric of the abortion issue. The only difference Christian Life Resources has with what is referenced here is that CLR talks about life existing…

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He’s Always There

Pastor Mark Cordes He’s Always There – or – Thou, God, Seest Me In the name of Christ our Life, my dear Christian friends: I once received a postcard which read, Dear Clergy, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day present a…

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Shall We Call It ‘Doublespeak?’

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources I don’t really know if there is a word for it. There is a secondary definition for “double talk”: Deliberately ambiguous or evasive language. Also called doublespeak. While some use this type…

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Q&A on Support for Women Following Abortion

QUESTION: Do you provide any help or support for women who have had abortions? ANSWER: Proverbs 31:8 tells us, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” so we defend the lives of the pre-born who are targeted by…

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A Chronology of Life in the Womb [Fetal Development]

Human Life Alliance Day 1 Fertilization The sperm joins with the ovum to form one cell. This one cell contains the complex genetic makeup for every detail of a new human life – the child’s sex, hair and eye color,…

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The Abortion Pill and the Morning-After Pill: Are They the Same?

There is much confusion about the two drugs which are often called “The Abortion Pill” and “The Morning-After Pill.” Surveys have shown that a majority of respondents are either misinformed or unaware of the differences between these two drugs.1 The…

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Abortion Must Be Labeled Murder

QUESTION: Can we call abortion murder? ANSWER: We answer YES for the following reasons: 1) The Scripture calls it murder. 2) It fits the definition of the word murder. Let us look at the second point first. MURDER is defined…

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Is There Any Hope of Salvation for a Child Who Has Been Killed Through Abortion?

John F. Brug Scripture does not answer this question directly. The same is true of the closely related question, “Can an unbaptized baby be saved?” Our answer must be limited to pondering four points that Scripture does make. All children…

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Bible Passages Relating to Abortion

Genesis 9:3,5 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting…

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It Sounds Like an Argument — I Don’t Think So!

Pastor Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Stanford University’s John Donohue and University of Chicago’s Steven Levitt used economic modeling to assert in a study that part of the decreased crime rate we have enjoyed these past years can,…

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Remembering a Child Who Never Was

About five years ago, a young woman graduating from high school had a rather traumatic encounter. As she was in the hallway, lining up for the processional, a woman came up to her and tied a white ribbon around her…

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Post Abortion Syndrome // Bible Study

Introduction “I guess I was playing games with myself about God. Deep down inside I knew I had taken another human being’s life. Worse: the life of my own child. But I put that out of my mind–as far as…

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Planned Parenthood: An Abortion Network

History of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger Born in 1879 6th of 11 children Father Fought in Sherman’s Army (March to the Sea) Never provided for his family properly Family Mother was a strict Catholic Father had no use for religion…

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Post-Abortion Syndrome – Direction From Scripture

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Hidden Shame — Nagging Guilt — Spectacular Deliverance Opening Prayer Describe 3 components of sin: 1. 2. 3. Describe 2 blessings of forgiveness: 1. 2. Describe 2 realities about sin and forgiveness:…

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Partial-Birth Abortion – An Accurate Description

Dr. J.C. Willke We are all aware of the semantic gymnastics used by the liberal press when describing Partial-Birth Abortion. They bend over backward obscuring what actually happens. We cannot control much of that. What we can control is our…

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Psalm 139 Says What Needs Saying

Pastor Joel C. Gerlach A noted Scottish churchman, Erskine of Linlathen, once said that Psalm 139 was one bit of writing he would choose to have on hand on his deathbed. Perhaps not your choice, nor mine either for that…

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Abortion Timeline: A Chronology of Endangered Unborn Life

ca. 2000 B.C. Hittites (The Hittite Laws ss.17) “If anyone caused a free woman to miscarry if (it is) the 10th month, he shall give 10 shekels of silver, if (it is) the 5th, he shall give 5 shekels and…

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The Pro-Abortion Policies of the March of Dimes

The March of Dimes (MOD) is an organization that enjoys a positive public image. And while MOD has done much to eliminate birth defects, their methods of accomplishing that admirable goal and their vision of a brave new world run…

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Who Needs the Counseling Here?

Sometimes It Is Not Just the Pregnant Woman Many of the women who come to the Pregnancy Care Center need a lot of sound Christian help. But sometimes they bring with them someone who is in much greater need of…

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The Father and Issues of Life and Death

When abortion is marketed to the general public its advocates emphasize the autonomous right of the woman to make this decision. Society has so bought into that notion that in 1976 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the father of…

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God’s Word on Life

The Bible teaches that life is a gift from God, our Creator. For example, Job says to God, “Your hands shaped me and made me…Remember that you molded me…Did you not…clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together…

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Abortion Slogans // Bible Study

Lutherans for Life This study lists five statements often used to justify abortion and examines them in the light of God’s Word. I. “A fetus is not a person Isaiah 49:1 Listen to me, you islands; hear this, you distant…

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Biblical References Regarding Abortion Legislation

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. Psalm 64:2-6 Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked,…

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Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod’s Resolution on Abortion

NOTE: At the July 1979 convention of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) meeting in Watertown, Wisconsin, the church body adopted this position against the killing of babies in the womb. This 1979 position on abortion is found below. On…

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Abortion – Men Hurt in Silence

Karen Fifer, Pregnancy Crisis Center of Wichita, Inc. “I’m pregnant.” These are powerful words that can evoke fear, anxiety, joy, and confusion in men. An unplanned pregnancy puts men in a peculiar place; on one side he is supposed to…

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Is It Time for Tolerance in the Pro-Life Movement?

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources A strategy often used to win the public opinion for inauspicious moral positions is to refrain from arguing the position. Instead, the strategy is to argue for tolerance. In other words, you…

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Q&A on Abortion on Demand and Child Abuse

QUESTION: What do you say to the person who says that abortion on demand reduces child abuse? ANSWER: In response to pro-choice advocates, we can with Biblical conviction say to those who feel abortion on demand reduces child abuse: How…

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The Cost of Abortion — Higher Than You Might Think

I recently received a letter from an attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The contents were chilling. The lawyer is representing a 28-year-old man who has been charged with criminal homicide of his fiance. Here’s what happened. A young couple met in…

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One Couple’s Struggle with Abortion

Fred Minnick, Daily O’Collegian (Oklahoma State University) In December 1977, an 18-year-old woman was faced with the choice of life or death. It began when she met a boy at a hometown IGA grocery store. He was a sacker and…

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What to Do With Baby?

Rev. Wayne Mueller Competent and sympathetic counselors understand that guiding an expectant mother to a God-pleasing decision is a complex job. There is always more to deal with in the heart of the soon-to-be mother than the basic ethical-moral question…

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‘I Knew You’ [God as the Author of Life] // Bible Study

The year was 628 B.C. The great Assyrian empire which had carried the northern kingdom of Israel into captivity was soon to be replaced by the Babylonian empire. Meanwhile, the days were fast approaching in which the Lord would send…

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I Had an Abortion This Morning

It is January 22, the anniversary date of the Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion in the United States. Every year this date brings with it a mixed bag of emotions for me. I feel a need to recognize…

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Q&A on the Overturn of ‘Roe v. Wade’

Question: What’s next now that Roe v. Wade is overturned? Answer: Roe v. Wade was the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling which legalized abortion across the nation. On June 24, 2022 the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Constitution of…

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Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Position on Abortion

NOTE: At the July 1979 convention of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) meeting in Watertown, Wisconsin, the church body adopted this position against the killing of babies in the womb. This 1979 position on abortion is found below. On…

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Fetal Pain: OK, What’s the Point?

Pastor Robert Fleischmann, CLR National Director Researchers claim they found a dramatic rise in fetal stress hormones when they inserted a needle into fetuses for blood transfusions. Already I hear some of my peers exclaiming, “I told you so!” The…

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Abortion Excuses

Rev. Wayne Mueller 1. The fetus is not life. “Why do you kill it if it is not life?” 2. The woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. “Who cares what the father thinks?…

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Inconvenient People and the Quality of Life

Rev. Thomas Trapp An interview with Kenneth Schleef, a Christian with cerebral palsy. Q: Your appearance at a Life Chain told me you’re concerned about life issues. I also know you have cerebral palsy. Tell me about your cerebral palsy…

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Playing God — A Most Deadly Game

Pastor Glen Schaumberg “If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman so that she delivers her child prematurely, but there is no harm to either the mother or child, the man should pay the fine her husband put on…

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The Book of Jonah and Our Mission to an Ungodly Nation // Bible Study

  Introduction Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, was rampant with wickedness. Although we do not have all the details of what went on in the city, it is enough to know that God’s patience toward the city began to…

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How About the Quality of Life?

Richard D. Balge Didn’t anyone tell Elizabeth that it was dangerous for a woman of her age to have a child? Didn’t anyone remind her that a child born to her after the normal child-bearing years was a poor statistical…

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‘Why the Tears? Why Not!’ – A Look at Partial-Birth Abortion

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources (Matthew 2:18 NIV) “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” It comes every year…

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Unborn Child’s Soul from Abortion or Miscarriage

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Question: What has become of the souls of the millions of babies that have died through miscarriage and abortion? Answer: The fact of an unborn child’s soul is always in question. The…

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How Would God Feel About an Abortion in the Case of Rape?

Professor John F Brug, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary QUESTION: How would God feel about abortion in the case of rape? Personally, I am strongly against abortion, yet I feel that it would be acceptable in this instance. I want to know…

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A Wrong Diagnosis Could Have Cost Me My Life

Shauna Bauer Abortion is a very controversial issue. It always has been and probably always will be. These days, the battle between pro-life and pro-abortion activists seems to be very intense. There is a great need for support of the…

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The Value of Human Life

Rev. Robert R. Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources It is becoming more difficult to know what to do in life and death situations. Advancements in medicine, challenges in the court, and changing opinions have raised questions about when life…

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Symptoms of Post-Abortion Syndrome

Teri Reisser, M.S. 1. GUILT: Guilt is what the woman feels because she has violated her moral code. For the woman who has come to believe, at some point after the abortion, that she consented to the killing of her…

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Spiritual Therapy for Abortion?

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources NOTE: Despite the age of this article, the information is included as a resource on this website. “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage…

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I Am Personally Opposed, But…

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources I am sure you have heard it too. “I am personally opposed to abortion, but I don’t think I can or should force my convictions on others.” Get real! It’s time we…

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What Is Post-Abortion Syndrome?

Mrs. Ann Warner Tolly Post-abortion syndrome (PAS) is the psychological aftermath of abortion. The victims are both women and men and the circle grows to include the siblings of the aborted child, the grandparents, friends, and other family members. PAS…

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Is Abortion Just an Election Issue for Christians?

Dr. James I. Lamb, Executive Director, Lutherans for Life “I could never vote for anyone who favors the destruction of innocent life in the womb,” Sam stated bluntly. Fred replied, “I’m opposed to abortion as much as you are, Sam,…

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What Does God Say About the Beginning of Life? // Bible Study

What Does God Say About the Beginning of Life? // Bible Study (Student’s Guide) READ THE FOLLOWING PASSAGES: A. Life Comes from God Genesis 2:7 The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into…

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Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation

Ronald Reagan [NOTE: Ronald Reagan published the following essay in 1983 when he served as 40th President of the United States. It was written on the 10th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. His words articulated his strong pro-life…

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A Trimester of Prayer // Pro-Life Prayer Suggestions

You can make a meaningful difference by including these thoughts in your daily devotion and prayer time. Week 1 – This week, pray for the unborn and their mothers. With the dawning of this day, thousands of women in America…

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A Pro-Life Future?

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the U.S. Supreme Court at the end of July 2018. Kennedy was appointed to the Court by President Ronald Reagan and began serving in…

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By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources “I sure miss kindergarten.” I know you have heard or read these words from me before. The older I get the more I miss the simplicity of life that I enjoyed…

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Don’t Just Sit There!

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources The legalized killing of unborn children through abortion has been a part of the American landscape since January 22, 1973. The death toll has surpassed 62 million babies. Now you know….

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46 Years of Legalized Abortion in America

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director of Christian Life Resources It has been 46 years since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled by a 7-2 majority that a woman should have the right to end the life of her unborn child….

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And So It Goes

  By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Pro-life Christians were appalled when Governor Cuomo signed New York’s liberal abortion law on January 22, 2019, the 46th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade abortion ruling….

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Q&A on Abortion to Save a Mother’s Life

QUESTION: Is there ever a medical situation where it is necessary to cause an abortion in order to save the mother’s life? ANSWER: The most obvious, though relatively rare, example is any pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus (ectopic)….

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Middle Ground

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Before I had children I was an expert on raising kids. After all, I had taken numerous college courses in human psychology. I understood the concepts of influence, incentive, and insistence….

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What Should I Do?

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources As life and family issues continue to expand, it’s often difficult to sort them out. Even church bodies differ on a particular issue though they claim to have the same Bible….

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Let Us Not Love With Words or Speech but with Actions and in Truth

By Pastor James Hein, Lead Pastor at St. Marcus Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1 John 3:11-18 11 For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. 12 Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered…

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Not So Fast!

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources In 1993, a Wisconsin state senator introduced assisted suicide legislation, designed to give terminally-ill patients the right to ask a doctor’s assistance in ending their own life. It was a new…

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Everybody But Me

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources We have a level of confidence in ourselves which blinds us to our own foibles. Jesus warned, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold” (Matthew…

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An Insidious Reality

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Don’t you hate it when people use unfamiliar words? Hear me out on this one – it will make sense to you in a moment. Dictionaries define “insidious” to mean something…

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U.S. Abortion Statistics By Year (1973-Current)

National Right to Life Committee, 2024 THE CONSEQUENCES OF ROE V. WADE TOTAL ABORTIONS SINCE 1973: 65,464,760 Numbers 1973-2020 based on data reported by the Guttmacher Institute adjusted for GI projected “undercounts” and “missing providers” Calculations for 2021 and subsequent…

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As We Consider the 48th Anniversary of Legalized Abortion

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. (2 Timothy 4:5) On January 22, 1973, the…

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The Right Time – The Right Place

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but…

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A Peace the World Cannot Give

By Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be…

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Talk About Abortion? Absolutely!

By Pastor Jeff Samelson, Director of Ministry Advancement, Christian Life Resources “Oh, no, I’m not really into politics, so I don’t get into or talk much about abortion. In fact, I feel it’s kind of inappropriate for Christians and churches…

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What If the Princes Are Right?

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. (Psalm 146:3) Eight children have matured under my parental eye. Particularly memorable are the adorable early years of life;…

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The Big Picture

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources The complicated issues of our time can often be characterized as “matters of life and death.” The terminology we employ suggests we are in a crisis, and we must act – or…

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STATEMENT on Leaked Draft Opinion by SCOTUS

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources The leaked draft of the majority ruling on the abortion case before the Supreme Court has drawn the expected attention. The conclusion arrived by the Court majority is no surprise. Anyone who…

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Churches on Abortion: Why We Differ

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources In early May 2022, a working draft of a majority opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health was leaked. In it, the Court looked ready to severely…

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Court Decisions on U.S. Abortion

Prior to 1967, abortion was prohibited in all 50 states except when the mother’s life was in danger. Between 1967 and 1973, 18 states added further exceptions, mostly to allow abortion in the case of rape or incest, or for…

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Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources The formal release of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women‘s Health decision today (June 24, 2022) overturning Roe v. Wade marks a new chapter of challenges and opportunities for Christians long concerned about…

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Take a Deep Breath

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources Sometimes a person just needs to take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and calm down. Let’s start there. On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Dobbs ruling overturning the…

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Time to Act

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning the infamous January 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Dobbs returned…

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One Little Thing // Bible Study

Rev. Jeffrey L. Samelson “It’s just one little thing. What are you getting so upset about? Why should we care?” That’s the way a lot of people – even many Christians – have talked about one of the hottest of…

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How to Navigate the Abortion Issue

Rev. Robert Fleischmann, National Director, Christian Life Resources The response to the Supreme Court’s overturning of its 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion decision in June 2022 has been fierce. There were acts of violence, protests, and blatant efforts to challenge…

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